A love letter to Durham Fall from a SoCal native
By Catherine Esrey, Class of 2025.
Dearest Fall,
I have been awaiting your arrival, and I welcome you with open arms. Coming to North Carolina from Southern California, where we only experience one season, I have been enchanted by you.
I used to think Fall was just a season signaling me to buy a Halloween costume, and that “Sweater Weather” was just a song by The Neighbourhood, but now… I know better.
Our relationship is new and exciting, some might even say, we’re in our honeymoon phase. Every day, I find myself more and more engulfed in the Fall spirit. At the risk of sounding dramatic, you’ve given life new meaning. I finally understand the hype around drinking a hot pumpkin spice latte. Back home, I would still be drinking an iced coffee to try and beat the heat, and I can assure you the vibes are not the same. Here, I can walk the quick three minutes to Cloche Coffee, the cutest coffee shop in Durham, and order from a variety of fall-inspired hot drinks. My go-to is their brown maple sugar latte, which I consider to be better, and less basic, than any PSL.
To get to Cloche, I walk the gravel path that loops around Duke’s East Campus, and it provides the best autumnal views. The loop is lined with trees that are currently in the process of changing colors — a beautiful site of green, yellow, and red leaves. In the evening, just as the sun is setting, the leaves glow golden. Some leaves have fallen onto the path, and my inner child can’t resist the urge to step on them in hopes of hearing the satisfying crunch. The California palm trees simply cannot compete.
Duke Chapel is known for its beauty and is probably the most photographed building at Duke. But, its beauty is entirely transcended when it is framed by the fall trees and changing leaves. I personally will never get tired of seeing it from the C-1 bus as it pulls up to West Campus. My phone camera does not do it justice, but I will keep trying to capture it in all of its beauty.
Walking throughout campus, I feel bonded with the other students dressed in fall fashion staples — sweaters, sweatpants, vests, puffer coats, and fleeces. I see more people outside. I see students studying in groups under tents, on blankets, or on benches. I see families playing on the East Campus lawn. I see people walking their dogs. But mostly, I see people celebrating the Fall spirit.
After ordering one online, I finally got a fuzzy blanket for my dorm room. It has been a crucial addition to my Fall themed movie marathon. So far, I have enjoyed Sweet Home Alabama, When Harry Met Sally, and Good Will Hunting. If it weren’t a fire hazard in the dorms, I would light a candle — preferably vanilla or cinnamon-scented — to really enhance the autumnal atmosphere. But for now, the blanket will do.
You’ve introduced me to many new and exciting things, fall, like moonlight. Back home, we have this fun thing called air pollution, which means the stars and the moon are hidden behind a layer of pollutants. So, it has been especially thrilling for me to look up at night and see a full moon floating above Lilly Library, its bright light contrasting the dark night sky. Spooky.
Fall, we’re only a few months into our relationship, but I have enjoyed getting to know you better. I now know that Fall is a season for comfort and community, and Sweater Weather is the best way to embrace the two.
Love and warmth,
A huge fan.